Interested in Short-Term Missions?
Then let's set up a time to talk. Email info.prcm@gmail.com to get this conversation started.
Coming on a trip?
Complete Trip Interest (Click here)
Once Trip Interest received, PRCM will provide link to Trip Application
Complete the Trip Agreement & Release from Liability (Click here)
If an unaccompanied minor, meaning your parents are not attending the trip with you, and you're under the age of 15, print & complete the Authorization for Foreign Travel with Minor (print here)
You'll need to have a "Compliant ID" to travel (unless you're a minor traveling with one/both of your parents), examples of "Compliant IDs" include: State-issued REAL ID/Driver's License; State-issued Enhanced Driver's License; or a Passport. You can see the full list of IDs here: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/identification
PRCM provides required Pre-Trip & Post-Trip Training; see your trip leader for details